Sunday, 30 January 2011

Water Spirits

Another weekend of cold and bright weather. Ice on the pools along the side of the river. I sat down on the bank under the bare alder trees and watched the water rushing past. I made myself as still as a heron and had a heron dream like I was a heron spirit. I followed the spirit down into the river standing in the water.

In my water dream I went rushing down like a fish in the current and then I hid in the dark places under the bank. But heron found me and I went into heron and from heron came back into myself. Now the water spirits are my friends.

When I came back to myself I was numb with the cold and my bum was chilled from sitting on the frosty bank. I was almost too stiff to walk back to the village. In my cold cottage I just needed to get warm so I filled the bath with hot water and put some drops of essential oil of lavender in and went into the water. So the water spirits could still be with me as I soaked up the heat of the water and sighed with pleasure as my body was all wet and warm.

Now, wrapped in a cosy suit against the draughts I'm putting it  down here because it's a tale I have to tell to whoever will read this so they will know the water spirits were with me and I will remember when I come back to read this again in the future.



  1. How delightful!! I would adore living in a country cottage. Do you need/use a wood stove? I love wood stoves because I'm such a fan of wood and fire. Plus, a good fire makes everything just more cozy.

  2. No wood stove - I rent the cottage and haven't been here long, so most things here are as I found them. I collected lots of fallen wood in the forest at the end of the Summer so I did get a good blaze going with it, but this has now all gone and I'm too sentimental about causing trees to be cut down to order logs:(

    But I agree that a cosy hearth is a wonderful thing.

  3. Very evocative

    Thank you for sharing this profound experience.
