Sunday, 3 April 2011

Bath Time

Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis)

I wrote on here a while back about coming home cold and wet and taking a hot bath. I have gradually turned this into a sort of ritual. I love to take long soaks in the bath when I have the time to relax. I invite the water spirits to the bathroom as the taps are running. I light candles for atmosphere. I don’t much like incense or overbearing aromas, but I do like lavender.

So I have made up some special bath salts based on recipes on Kim’s Blog. To her recommended mix of salts I add essential oil of lavender, dried rose petals and some ground-up leaves of soapwort and rosemary. I sprinkle this mixture under the running taps then lie in the water, giving myself up to the waters completely and stay there until it starts to get cold. I have also begun to set up a sort of altar in the bathroom with tea lights and images of water spirits and mermaids. So I can recreate the Water World.

Other times I shower, but bathing is special. It’s not just getting clean. It’s not even just therapy. It’s a communion with the elemental spirits of Water.


  1. Sounds lovely.

    Can't wait to try some when I visit ;)



  2. Oh how nice! You tried the bath salts. Aren't they easy to make? I like the mixture of herbs you added, and the idea of having an altar in the bathroom is a wonderful idea.

    I'm the same way with scent. I don't burn incense either because it overwhelms me. Thanks for adding a link to my blog. That was sweet of you. :)
