Sunday, 27 July 2014

The Game of Life

I'm back with this blog after many months. I'm not sure what I have to say to any possible reader? It was always more of a personal journal than a way of communicating with anyone. I'm deeply personal and inward looking and I'm my own best conversation partner. I know that sounds egotistic but I'm really not that full of my own importance. My feeling about myself, and my care for others, is that I should be humble. I hope I am. But my best society is the company of spirits in the forest and I find other humans difficult. Why? I get on OK when I 'play the game' which I can do well enough when I have to. But I'm so aware that is is a game. I'm really seeking something deeper than a game.

Maybe that's what I was doing on this blog - presenting myself as a witch. It's not that this wasn't genuine. I did need to express my personal sense of achieving initiation. I just started thinking too much about it. Words on a blog are not what counts but experience is what's important.

But still here I am writing words. So the game goes on ...

1 comment:

  1. Certainly words on a blog do not replace experience - but your words do seem to reflect genuine experience. The game, does indeed go on, but I think it's a serious game.
