Saturday, 5 January 2013

Thoughts in Withered Bracken

Sitting on a hillside between withered stalks of bracken and sodden leaves I feel something inside me responding to the season. As if the faintest stirring of something, unready to show itself, but waiting its time. I am becoming so focussed now on the natural rhythms of the land and I feel myself responding so sensitively to them from within me.

 Finding a way to face the Dark One in her deepest darkness seems to have brought me on to a clear path - not dark at all but like crystal in its quality, or deep clear water I can see through to another world. I'm finding it more and more difficult to find words for what I want to say, even though my mind is clearer now than it's ever been.

I hope to say something of my discovered path, though I'm becoming more convinced that what I need to say is beyond words. Once i would have felt that it is all too sacred to make public. Now I'm sure that whatever I try to say will be in code except  for those who already know and will recognise the meanings between the words.

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